Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Bye Bye Mrs. American Pie!

So you might be asking yourself (well, maybe not) why you haven't seen a post in soooo long.  I'm so sad to announce it, but due to unavoidable circumstances, my husband and I have moved back to Atlanta!  I have been busy packing and making arrangements to come back home, then last Tuesday, we left the shining lights of LA.  Luckily we missed that HUGE wind blast that hit.  I hope you are all ok!  Before I left I had several posts I had intended to write, but alas I will just have to write one last Eat Here, Not There post.  So here goes.

Eat Here:

Vicious Dogs NOHO

This place is amazing.  If you are in the mood for an inexpensive lunch/dinner and are in the NOHO area, this is a must try spot.  It's located on Lankershim near Pit Fire Pizza.  And the man behind the dog?  Willie.  This guy greets every single customer like you've known each other forever.  Extremely funny, excellent customer service.

Me, I have a good rule to go by.  If they can do the simple things well, then the rest of the menu is bound to be a knockout.  So I tried a very basic German brat on a steamed bun.  Heaven.  Perfect flavors in the brat, so well seasoned.  Just add a few dabs of mayo and catsup and you are good to go!  Truly tasty dog.  I would show a close up, but its kind of boring, so I'll spare you.  You can kind of see it in the below picture.

 But, like the sign says, the famous dog at this joint is the Sweet and Spicy Kielbasa.  I'm not a huge fan of sweet peppers, so I left this to the hubs to try.  I was assured it was amazing.  If you don't believe us, check out this picture:

Add to this meal a plate of garlic fries that are to die for, and you have on of the best quick lunches I've ever had!  But I give you fair warning.  If you do not wish to reek of garlic for the rest of the day, and possibly most of the night, steer clear!  These were potent!

There are so many different toppings and dog options, the possibilities are endless.  Give this one a shot, I know you will love it!

Tomo Sushi

This place is located near the AMC and mall area in Burbank.  Great sushi, super nice staff.  The walls are papered with dollar bills that people have drawn on.  Decent food.  We stopped by here out of the blue, so I didn't really get any pictures.  But good place all around.

Not There:

H. Salt Fish and Chips

If you have a hankering for some bland, greasy, tasteless fish, then this is your spot.  It's located on the corner of that crazy intersection that includes Vineland and Lankershim in NOHO.  Completely unimpressed both times I visited.  Same quality as Captain D's.  Skip it, much better seafood elsewhere.


I was actually fairly impressed with most places that I went to in California.  I wish I had made it to one of those mom and pop donut shops that were located on every corner, but it will leave something for me to try when we come back to visit.

I will really really miss LA.  But my food blogging is not over.  I'm starting again in Atlanta.  It will take me a little while to get up and running, but I expect to crank out a new post early next week.  Check out my new website at:


And follow me on twitter @thenewbiefoodie

I hope you have enjoyed this blog, and I look forward to you viewing my new one as well!

Until Then,

Guten Appetit!!