Friday, October 14, 2011

Epic Fail....and I mean Epic

So I hate to say anything about restaurants that I really didn't enjoy.  I guess it goes back to mom always preaching about "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all."  Or was that just my southern upbringing?  There are just too many great places to eat to focus on the bad ones.  Anyways, I feel my due diligence to inform you of this epic fail.

Let me start off with, perhaps I am spoiled.  Perhaps mexican food is simply different here.  But in my quest to replicate all the restaurants I loved in Atlanta, I have YET to find a great mexican restaurant.  And this one was the worst one so far.  There is no way that I will step foot near this place again.

The place that I am referring to is Mucho Mas in Burbank/NoHo.  Now if you are surprised that I didn't like it, trust me, I am equally surprised at the amazing ratings the place has on websites like yelp.  While the decor is cute, and its a fairly large place, we rarely saw our server.  It took forever to finally order, but when he was around, he was very pleasant to us.

I ordered two very basic mexican foods, a combo plate with a chile relleno and an enchilada.  Both came out swimming in a pool of refried beans and the red sauce that usually comes with enchiladas.  Everything kind of congealed on the plate when it was cooling, and the effect wasn't pretty.  Not to mention the breading around chile relleno tasted stale when I bit into it.  The portions were huge, but only because the plate was ladled with way too much rice and beans.  The flavor of the enchilada was nice, but there was so much sauce slathered on that it made it hard to enjoy.  Neither my husband or myself ended up finishing our dishes.  I don't think I made it half way through.

But I will say this.  My meal came with a tortilla soup, and it was extremely tasty.  Lots of veggies, cheese and chips in a delicious broth.  When this came out first I was so excited for my meal.  Needless to say, I was sorely disappointed once our plates arrived.

So now I need your help foodies.  For those of you who live in LA, can you PLEASE suggest a great mexican place to try?  We are really looking for a place that has some type of Queso Blanco dip, and freshly made salsa.  I would love your suggestions.  For those of you in Atlanta, be thankful for La Parilla!

Until next time,

Guten Appetit

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