Friday, September 2, 2011

Welcome to the City of Angels

Well hello out there.  As the newest transplant to fabulous Los Angles, I needed a hobby!  No friends, no job, and nowhere to go, and boy does that apartment get old quickly.  But if there is one thing that is true, it is that I'm a foodie to the core.  I love the textures and flavors and aromas that come when someone is passionate about the food they are making.  I'll go ahead and say, I'll try anything at least once.  With a Filipino husband, I have already experienced some unique foods.

So in a quest for a hobby, I thought I would marry my two passions;  writing and eating!  For the remainder of my time in LA, I want to take you through the fabulous cuisine of this great city, and introduce a few recipes as I come across them.  I've already been to a few restaurants that I plan on reviewing immediately.

I'll just put this out there, these are my opinions.  No one is paying me to write good reviews for their restaurant.  No one is giving me free menu items to influence my prose.  This is all for me!  So with that said, feel free to check out these restaurants after me and let me know what you think.  Our tastes might be way different, you might disagree completely with my review!  And all of that is ok.  Each person experiences food differently.

So off I go, to pursue my passions and tell you all about the delectable treats in Los Angeles!  I hope you enjoy.

Guten Appetit


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