Thursday, October 27, 2011

What's in a name? Tasty Burgers of Course!

It used to be that I didn't think of myself as a foodie.  I didn't have any type of education in food preparation, I haven't eaten at any of the finest restaurants, and I definitely need some kind of basic recipe to cook most things.  But as I delve further into this blog of mine, I think it has more to do with the passion that you have for good food.  The passion that makes you want to try new restaurants, cook crazy foods just to try them, and sample the best that your city has to offer.  There are several things that invoke my passions:  the non-profit I volunteer with, the customer experience, and food!  I was told recently that I haven't been so excited about something I was doing as I have been about this blog.  I.Love.It!  Getting to tell you all about the cool places I find and gush on and on about their food, it is really exciting to me.  So I think it is safe to say, that now I really feel like a true foodie.  And now I can't wait to tell you about Miru 8691.

After seeing them on the show Crave, I knew I had to check this place out.  So one day a few weeks ago, my husband and I decided to go for lunch.  We were so excited to try the Kal Bi, but unfortunately they were all sold out by the time we arrived.  Apparently EVERYONE watched the show, because this was the burger they featured.  After that slight disappointment I settled on the trio of sliders.  What better way to really see what they were all about than to order multiple tastes?  Now I'm not exactly sure which three I actually got, because it changes from day to day, and I completely forgot to ask.  But after reading the descriptions on their online menu, I'm pretty sure the three were the O.G., C.L.T. and the Guacamole burgers.

Let me start off  The presentation when it arrives at your table is not something you would expect to find when ordering a burger.  Each bun was decorated with a sprig of rosemary, and the spicy ketchup that came with my fries was in a very interesting shortened spoon.  Very aesthetically pleasing, but how would it taste?  All three were simply amazing.  The beef was so juicy and extremely well flavored.  I wonder if I could get Chef Miru to tell me how he puts together his beef...hmm.  All of the toppings worked so well together, and really added something to the burger, instead of just being there to be there.  The O.G. was my absolute favorite.  I could seriously eat one every day, but I won't, that's probably bad for your heart and waistline.  I wish I had taken a picture to share with you!  Being a small town girl, I'm still getting used to the price tag that comes with meals around here, but after tasting the burger I understood.  The premium ingredients, paired with the artistic style that the burger was presented, I got it.  You can truly see the passion behind the food that Chef Miru prepares his food.

Since Beverly Hills is a little far from where I am, it would take a little planning before I would come back.  But if you live in the area I highly recommend that you head over to Miru 8691 and check out their great burgers.  If you aren't in the mood for burgers, they also have a pretty large sushi menu as well as other traditional Japanese dishes, but I didn't try any of these so I cannot rave about them.  The burgers were worth the drive though.

Until Next Time,

Guten Appetit!!

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