Friday, September 9, 2011

Sweet Tooth?? Me too!

Lately I have been CRAVING sweets.  Not really sure why, I have never really had a sweet tooth until lately.  And no...I'm not pregnant!  One of my favorite sweet treats is frozen yogurt.  I just love the texture, the smooth, cool, creamy flavor.  Back in Atlanta I had the most amazing self-serve yogurt shop.  So in an effort to replace my favorites here in Los Angeles I knew I would need to find a new place soon.  

Like he does sometimes, my husband likes to surprise me.  I'm a lucky girl, I know.  So one night in an effort to pull me out of one of my home-sick moods, he took me to Studio Yogurt in Studio City.  The shop was very cute.  It had a few tables both inside and out.  The wide counter was lined with over 35 different toppings and sauces.  And behind the counter were 24 soft serve yogurt machines.  The ladies behind the counters are really nice and moved quickly.  So even though there was a bit of a line when we came, it didn't take too long until it was our turn at the counter.  

Not being super hungry, I ordered a small.  How silly of me.  The small was HUGE.  I knew there was no way to finish it. So when you go to visit, BEWARE!  The portions are enormous, and the toppings added do not disappoint either.   I have to admit, Studio Yogurt is a very generous place!  But the thing I liked the most about it was its multiple "healthier" options.  Many of the yogurts came in surgar-free, fat-free or carb-free varieties, as did several toppings and sauces.  So for those that have special dietary needs when it comes to your sweet tooth, you are sure to find something great you can have here.  

As I predicted, I wasn't able to finish my "small" marshmallow creme yogurt, but it was very tasty.  One thing to note is that though you will always find chocolate, vanilla and peanut butter,  the other flavors rotate out every few days.  But to me, this makes going back often fun just to see what new and tasty flavor they have started to serve.  

Personally, I still prefer the self-serve yogurt shops.  While this place was nice, I think I will keep a look out to see if there is a self-serve shop with the same charm.  But until then, I look forward to checking out Studio Yogurt when my sweet tooth won't leave me alone!

Until next time, Guten Appetit!

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