Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Bye Bye Mrs. American Pie!

So you might be asking yourself (well, maybe not) why you haven't seen a post in soooo long.  I'm so sad to announce it, but due to unavoidable circumstances, my husband and I have moved back to Atlanta!  I have been busy packing and making arrangements to come back home, then last Tuesday, we left the shining lights of LA.  Luckily we missed that HUGE wind blast that hit.  I hope you are all ok!  Before I left I had several posts I had intended to write, but alas I will just have to write one last Eat Here, Not There post.  So here goes.

Eat Here:

Vicious Dogs NOHO

This place is amazing.  If you are in the mood for an inexpensive lunch/dinner and are in the NOHO area, this is a must try spot.  It's located on Lankershim near Pit Fire Pizza.  And the man behind the dog?  Willie.  This guy greets every single customer like you've known each other forever.  Extremely funny, excellent customer service.

Me, I have a good rule to go by.  If they can do the simple things well, then the rest of the menu is bound to be a knockout.  So I tried a very basic German brat on a steamed bun.  Heaven.  Perfect flavors in the brat, so well seasoned.  Just add a few dabs of mayo and catsup and you are good to go!  Truly tasty dog.  I would show a close up, but its kind of boring, so I'll spare you.  You can kind of see it in the below picture.

 But, like the sign says, the famous dog at this joint is the Sweet and Spicy Kielbasa.  I'm not a huge fan of sweet peppers, so I left this to the hubs to try.  I was assured it was amazing.  If you don't believe us, check out this picture:

Add to this meal a plate of garlic fries that are to die for, and you have on of the best quick lunches I've ever had!  But I give you fair warning.  If you do not wish to reek of garlic for the rest of the day, and possibly most of the night, steer clear!  These were potent!

There are so many different toppings and dog options, the possibilities are endless.  Give this one a shot, I know you will love it!

Tomo Sushi

This place is located near the AMC and mall area in Burbank.  Great sushi, super nice staff.  The walls are papered with dollar bills that people have drawn on.  Decent food.  We stopped by here out of the blue, so I didn't really get any pictures.  But good place all around.

Not There:

H. Salt Fish and Chips

If you have a hankering for some bland, greasy, tasteless fish, then this is your spot.  It's located on the corner of that crazy intersection that includes Vineland and Lankershim in NOHO.  Completely unimpressed both times I visited.  Same quality as Captain D's.  Skip it, much better seafood elsewhere.


I was actually fairly impressed with most places that I went to in California.  I wish I had made it to one of those mom and pop donut shops that were located on every corner, but it will leave something for me to try when we come back to visit.

I will really really miss LA.  But my food blogging is not over.  I'm starting again in Atlanta.  It will take me a little while to get up and running, but I expect to crank out a new post early next week.  Check out my new website at:


And follow me on twitter @thenewbiefoodie

I hope you have enjoyed this blog, and I look forward to you viewing my new one as well!

Until Then,

Guten Appetit!!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Absolutely Pho-bulous

Gourmet food, four wheels and the open road.  Reminds me of my first food truck experience.  On our honeymoon in Bora Bora, we had Don Poulet, this dinky little food truck that had a full rotisserie in the back.  Everyone in Bora Bora spoke french, and there were only a few words I could translate from menu board; chicken, baguette, fries.  A crusty french baguette, slathered with mayo and ketchup, stuffed with rotisserie chicken and french fries.  Heaven in a sandwich.  I miss Don Poulet!

One of my favorite parts of the food culture here in LA has definitely been the food trucks.  It's such a cool concept.  Ever since running into Crepen' Around at a local gas station, I have been checking out the food truck scene through Twitter.  Which is how I came across the guys of Los Saigon.  After checking out their menu, I knew I had to try their food.  Vietnamese has to be one of my favorite asian cuisines.  So when they challenged me to compare their Pho to my husbands, I was there!  Feeling kind of crazy on a Saturday night, I went on a Pho run at midnight.

This truck really makes its way around town, and we caught up with it in Burbank.  Ordering two cups of Pho and an order of egg rolls, we were excited to take it home and enjoy.  We ended up saving our Pho for lunch the next day, so I'll start with the egg rolls.

The order comes with eight pieces of egg roll, two dipping sauces, and a side of pickled veggies.  How on earth do you know if its a good egg roll?  Well, first off, if you like it, its good!  Who cares what others say!  Second way to tell?  If you bite into it without any sauces or extras on it, and you like it, you know its a great egg roll.  I don't use this word all the time, but these were total food-gasm.  The wrapper is light and cripsy, great texture.  The filling is savory and complex.  And when you do add the sides it really enhances the flavors.  My favorite was their creamy chili sauce.  It really added a great kick to the rolls.  This is a must order item if you check these guys out.

So for those of you who might not be familiar with the term, Pho is a Vietnamese noodle soup usually served with paper thin slices of beef or chicken.  Usually also comes with a plate of basil, limes, bean spouts, jalapeños, duck sauce and sriracha sauce that you add if you would like.  I'm a chili head so I love to add a little sriracha an jalapeño, but you can't miss the basil (tear it up into little pieces before adding) and lime juice.

You can't tell from the picture, but this is the bowl that I usually serve side dishes in at the dinner table.  This is not your normal soup bowl.  It is a HUGE portion.  So how do you know if its great Pho?  The broth is the glory of Pho.  It adds most of the flavor, and helps cook the meat so that it's tender.  This was one of the best broths that I had had to date.  It really takes time and technique to make a good Pho broth, and Los Saigon has nailed it.  I would LOVE to know how they make it, but I'll leave it to the masters.  It's just so complex that its hard to pull out individual spices and meats used to flavor it, but it's completely yum.  I love the different textures of this soup.  You get a great crunch from the jalapeño and bean sprouts.  The noodles are nice and soft and the meat is perfectly cooked by the hot broth.  I accidentally added a little too much sriracha sauce and my lips were tingling well after I was done, but I finished my bowl.  So did the hubs.

If you have never had Vietnamese food before, you must try this!  Pho is a great way to try this cuisine, because its not an intimidating dish.  Lots of great flavors and amazing customer service.  I see great things for the guys of Los Saigon.  Check out their truck when you get a chance.  I know you wont be disappointed.  I can't wait to eat there again!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Cheapo Taco or National Historic Site?

So far I have really enjoyed Studio City.  I still get star struck when I see a celeb at my favorite coffee shop or nail salon.  So when I found out a possible national historic site was right down the road from me, I knew I had to try it out!  So one day driving home, we decided to swing by for supper.

I have to say, its a cute place.  And from what I've read it is exactly the same as it was when it was built.  The parking lot is small and crowded.  I'm sure there have been a million fender benders here in the name of gringo tacos.  After reviewing the...brief menu, I decided on the hard taco and a bowl of chili with cheese.

I started to stir the chili before I took pictures, so you can't actually see the gargantuan amount of cheese that actually comes with the dish.  But if you take all that cheddar that you can see on the taco, and add it to the chili, you get the idea.  The hot sauce that came with the meal was actually really good, and I ended up adding some to the chili to give it a little more kick.  Overall, the food was ok.  It reminded me of a mix between Old El Paso and Taco Bell, which is exactly what it is supposed to be.  I might come back if I'm ever craving tacos and don't want to cook, but could easily make this at home.  If you are itching to go, take cash.  They don't accept anything but.  Kind of disappointed after all of the hype behind this place, but decent "Gringo tacos".  What are your thoughts?  Cheapo food, or best tacos ever.  I would love your comments.

Until Next Time,

Guten Appetit!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

What's in a name? Tasty Burgers of Course!

It used to be that I didn't think of myself as a foodie.  I didn't have any type of education in food preparation, I haven't eaten at any of the finest restaurants, and I definitely need some kind of basic recipe to cook most things.  But as I delve further into this blog of mine, I think it has more to do with the passion that you have for good food.  The passion that makes you want to try new restaurants, cook crazy foods just to try them, and sample the best that your city has to offer.  There are several things that invoke my passions:  the non-profit I volunteer with, the customer experience, and food!  I was told recently that I haven't been so excited about something I was doing as I have been about this blog.  I.Love.It!  Getting to tell you all about the cool places I find and gush on and on about their food, it is really exciting to me.  So I think it is safe to say, that now I really feel like a true foodie.  And now I can't wait to tell you about Miru 8691.

After seeing them on the show Crave, I knew I had to check this place out.  So one day a few weeks ago, my husband and I decided to go for lunch.  We were so excited to try the Kal Bi, but unfortunately they were all sold out by the time we arrived.  Apparently EVERYONE watched the show, because this was the burger they featured.  After that slight disappointment I settled on the trio of sliders.  What better way to really see what they were all about than to order multiple tastes?  Now I'm not exactly sure which three I actually got, because it changes from day to day, and I completely forgot to ask.  But after reading the descriptions on their online menu, I'm pretty sure the three were the O.G., C.L.T. and the Guacamole burgers.

Let me start off with....wow.  The presentation when it arrives at your table is not something you would expect to find when ordering a burger.  Each bun was decorated with a sprig of rosemary, and the spicy ketchup that came with my fries was in a very interesting shortened spoon.  Very aesthetically pleasing, but how would it taste?  All three were simply amazing.  The beef was so juicy and extremely well flavored.  I wonder if I could get Chef Miru to tell me how he puts together his beef...hmm.  All of the toppings worked so well together, and really added something to the burger, instead of just being there to be there.  The O.G. was my absolute favorite.  I could seriously eat one every day, but I won't, that's probably bad for your heart and waistline.  I wish I had taken a picture to share with you!  Being a small town girl, I'm still getting used to the price tag that comes with meals around here, but after tasting the burger I understood.  The premium ingredients, paired with the artistic style that the burger was presented, I got it.  You can truly see the passion behind the food that Chef Miru prepares his food.

Since Beverly Hills is a little far from where I am, it would take a little planning before I would come back.  But if you live in the area I highly recommend that you head over to Miru 8691 and check out their great burgers.  If you aren't in the mood for burgers, they also have a pretty large sushi menu as well as other traditional Japanese dishes, but I didn't try any of these so I cannot rave about them.  The burgers were worth the drive though.

Until Next Time,

Guten Appetit!!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

This is why I love California...WINE COUNTRY!

So as you might remember it was my birthday a few weeks ago.  In honor of the day, we drove down to Temecula for a little wine tasting.  Since I'm so new to this area, I did a fair bit of research online before deciding which two wineries we shouldn't miss.  I knew I wanted to sip some champagne, so we chose Thornton Winery.  For the second place, I was actually drawn to it since it had the best website layout.  Little did I know how completely opposite these tasting rooms were.

Ponte Winery - "If you like it, its good wine"

Our first stop was Ponte Winery.  Like I mentioned above, their website was the selling point for me.  If they cared enough to make a great website, I thought they might care enough to make a great glass of wine.  And boy was I right!  Wine tasting is $12 during the week, and $20 on the weekend.  But you get to keep your tasting glass if you want.  So not only did I get to sample six great wines, but I now have a set of Ponte wine glasses as well.

The people behind the counter were extremely friendly and knowledgable about the wines in their collection.  I also enjoyed that they were so engaging and passionate about their product.  You could almost say they bragged about their barrels.  I also enjoyed that they gave you a sheet with a brief description of each wine they had available so that you could write down your thoughts as you did your tasting.  I fell in love.  Not only with this winery, but I think I found my Pinot Grigio for life.  I'm not even kidding.  I haven't enjoyed white wines for a long time, but this one was heaven in a bottle.  Just dry enough and full of flavor.  Of course I had to purchase a bottle, and fully intend on ordering a few bottles(maybe a case?) online.  My husband, who is more of a liquor fan, found a great port that he really enjoyed.  Final verdict?  Well worth the drive to see.  Well worth the price.  Will be back hopefully!

Thornton Winery

After such a great experience at Ponte, we ventured over to Thornton.  I'm a sucker for a great Mimosa, so I wanted to be sure to check out a winery that had Champagne.  This tasting room handled things very differently.  The tasting room is set up on a small hill with a great view.  You check out their menu of wine flights, comprising of 4 wines a piece.  There are a ton of choices.  Once you decide on your flight, they bring it out to you, putting them on a "place mat" with more information about each wine.  For us there was really no interaction except for ordering our flight.  One great thing was that you could share the flight, and didn't have to pay for each person with you.  I think that I would have enjoyed it more if there had been more face time with the people who knew the champagne, but thats me.  I really enjoy the interaction.    I did end up purchasing a very tasty Blanc de Noirs.  I think the next time I go down we will try a different champagne winery, but all in all a pleasant experience.

So far I'm really impressed with Temecula wine country.  I really want to go back soon and try a few more places.  Only an hour and a half from LA down I-15, a very beautiful drive almost the whole way.  And it is a great escape when you just need to get out of Los Angeles.  Make your plans to check out the area when you need a day away.  Enjoy!

Until Next Time


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Couscous and Sausage, Yes Please!

I have to say, that so far my experience in LA has been great.  I especially love the restaurants I've found.  But every so often, you really just need a little time at home.  Getting in the kitchen and trying something new is probably one of my favorite things these day, besides blogging of course.  So tonight, I thought I might try something I've seen several times, but never cooked.  Tonight I made sausage with raisins and toasted pine nut couscous.  And to add to the visual, I managed to take pictures of the entire thing!

So first, I started with the sausage, since it takes the longest to cook.  Ever notice how gross it looks when its cooking?  Yeah, me too.

1.) Sear the sausage on both sides, then add 1/2 cup water and cover, simmering until links are 160 degrees
Next I pulled together all my ingredients for couscous.  Feel free to toss in your favorite spices/herbs to the broth.  I love coriander.

2.) Make couscous according to the directions given.  I use chicken stock instead of water to add some extra flavor
Next, I toasted the pine nuts,  just to add a little extra....umph

3.)  Toast the pine nuts in a pan over medium heat, stirring occasionally.  You know its done when you can start to smell the nuts toasting.  
Once the nuts have finished roasting and the couscous has puffed up, toss the nuts in the pot with the couscous and fluff.  You can also add the raisins now if you like.  My husband hates raisins, so I just waited and added it to my individual bowl.  I picked up some fresh basil from the farmers market this weekend, so I decided to add a little of that to the bowl as well.

4.)  Toss in raisins and basil, or your favorite flavor profiles.  I used regular raisins, but you could also use golden raisins
Last week I visited Ponte Winery in Temecula, CA for my birthday.  Great winery by the way!  I picked up an amazing Pinot Grigio, and I was looking for the perfect dish to uncork it for, and I thought this would make a nice pairing.

5.) Uncork your favorite wine and relax, because its going to be an amazing dinner!

Finally, after letting the sausage rest once it finished cooking, I sliced it into disks and added it to my bowl.  Take a look at the finished product.  What do you think?  Looks good right?

6.)  Let's EAT!
Now I don't want to brag, but this was actually amazing!  The soft couscous with the chewy raisins mixed so great with the toasted nuts.  I also really enjoyed the sweetness that the raisins brought to the table.  All in all I was really impressed.  Might try to switch it up a little.  Maybe add chicken next time, or some dried cranberries or apricots diced up.  It seems like a great dish to play around with.  I would highly recommend trying this out if you are in the mood to stay home and whip up something quick.

Until next time,

Guten Appetit

Friday, October 14, 2011

Epic Fail....and I mean Epic

So I hate to say anything about restaurants that I really didn't enjoy.  I guess it goes back to mom always preaching about "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all."  Or was that just my southern upbringing?  There are just too many great places to eat to focus on the bad ones.  Anyways, I feel my due diligence to inform you of this epic fail.

Let me start off with, perhaps I am spoiled.  Perhaps mexican food is simply different here.  But in my quest to replicate all the restaurants I loved in Atlanta, I have YET to find a great mexican restaurant.  And this one was the worst one so far.  There is no way that I will step foot near this place again.

The place that I am referring to is Mucho Mas in Burbank/NoHo.  Now if you are surprised that I didn't like it, trust me, I am equally surprised at the amazing ratings the place has on websites like yelp.  While the decor is cute, and its a fairly large place, we rarely saw our server.  It took forever to finally order, but when he was around, he was very pleasant to us.

I ordered two very basic mexican foods, a combo plate with a chile relleno and an enchilada.  Both came out swimming in a pool of refried beans and the red sauce that usually comes with enchiladas.  Everything kind of congealed on the plate when it was cooling, and the effect wasn't pretty.  Not to mention the breading around chile relleno tasted stale when I bit into it.  The portions were huge, but only because the plate was ladled with way too much rice and beans.  The flavor of the enchilada was nice, but there was so much sauce slathered on that it made it hard to enjoy.  Neither my husband or myself ended up finishing our dishes.  I don't think I made it half way through.

But I will say this.  My meal came with a tortilla soup, and it was extremely tasty.  Lots of veggies, cheese and chips in a delicious broth.  When this came out first I was so excited for my meal.  Needless to say, I was sorely disappointed once our plates arrived.

So now I need your help foodies.  For those of you who live in LA, can you PLEASE suggest a great mexican place to try?  We are really looking for a place that has some type of Queso Blanco dip, and freshly made salsa.  I would love your suggestions.  For those of you in Atlanta, be thankful for La Parilla!

Until next time,

Guten Appetit

Sunday, October 9, 2011

It's The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Oh October.  Easily my favorite part of the year.  And for several reasons.  Finally the air starts to cool and the leaves turn, which I haven't really noticed a lot of in Los Angeles, but maybe soon right??  I hear the seasons here turn a little later than they do on the east coast.  Second, Halloween, which is my absolutely favorite holiday of the year.  I love the pumpkins and witches and scary movies all over TV. Also, its my birth month!  Yes, happy birthday to me this coming Tuesday!  I'm excited to check out Miru 8691 for my birthday dinner.  Who wouldn't want to go after seeing their episode of Crave on the Food Network!!  I can't wait to tell you all about it on Wednesday.

But my favorite part of October is that all of a sudden the food starts to change.  We start craving richer flavors and warmer dishes.  I know for me, on the first cold day of fall I want to pull my crock pot out of summer retirement and make a huge serving of Taco Soup or Chili.  Not to mention all of the amazing fall desserts that start to come out.

My favorite of all of these is pumpkin cheesecake.  I found this recipe from Paula Deen and wanted to share it with you.  It actually won a recipe cook-off that one of my friend's moms puts on every year around this time.  Such a great alternative to traditional pumpkin pie, which might be another reason I love it so much.  I love traditional recipes that you can tweak a little and make into something just as tasy, but just a little different.



  • 1 3/4 cups graham cracker crumbs
  • 3 tablespoons light brown sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1 stick melted salted butter
***Or I cheat and use store bought crust, taste the same to me and so much easier!***


  • 3 (8-ounce) packages cream cheese, at room temperature
  • 1 (15-ounce) can pureed pumpkin
  • 3 eggs plus 1 egg yolk
  • 1/4 cup sour cream
  • 1 1/2 cups sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/8 teaspoon fresh ground nutmeg
  • 1/8 teaspoon ground cloves
  • 2 tablespoon all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract


Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
For crust:
In medium bowl, combine crumbs, sugar and cinnamon. Add melted butter. Press down flat into a 9-inch springform pan. Set aside.  ***Or like I said above, use a store bought one...either way***
For filling:
Beat cream cheese until smooth. Add pumpkin puree, eggs, egg yolk, sour cream, sugar and the spices. Add flour and vanilla. Beat together until well combined.
Pour into crust. Spread out evenly and place oven for 1 hour. Remove from the oven and let sit for 15 minutes. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 4 hours.

One tip, put this in a water bath when cooking.  I've attached a link below describing this technique in case you aren't familiar.  I sure wasn't and the first time I tried this the cheesecake cracked and didn't look too appealing.  Don't get me wrong, it was TASTY!  but not cute to look at.  So if that is important to you, check out the water bath technique.  

Check out this recipe, I KNOW you will love it.  What other things do you enjoy adding pumpkin to?  I'm just now starting to enjoy the flavor and texture of pumpkin and would like to try it in other things.  
Until next time!
Guten Appetit!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Pizza Per Tutti - Pizza for All!

So sorry for the long break in posting dear foodies!!  After posting my blog about feel better foods, I actually ended up needing them for about a week.  Stupid head cold turned ugly and all I wanted was chicken coconut soup and the couch.  But now I'm back, just in time for this amazing weather in LA!  So here goes.

When I lived overseas in Germany, my college dorm actually happened to be right in the heart of the Turkish/Italian ghetto.  Lots of low income housing, with tons of people crammed into them.  But the food...oh the food in that neighborhood was amazing!  I had an amazing pizza joint called Pizza bei Gianni, which was 100% authentic Italian style pizza.  Thin crust, bare minimum of sauce, amazing cheese and really great toppings left you satisfied, but not bloated or with heartburn like you tend to get after a night of Pizza Hut.  Simply amazing.  One of the greatest moments in my study abroad was the night I was able to call and order my pizza in German without messing it up.  It's the little things I guess.  I really miss this place.

But I think I might have found a place very near to the beloved pizza dive in my memories.  Located on Lankershim Blvd in Noho is a tiny Italian pizza parlor, Pizza per Tutti which is Italian for Pizza for Everyone!  They have an good sized menu with everything from pizza to sandwiches to a full pasta menu.  But the pizza is simply amazing.

My favorite is their Pizza Margherita.  So light and delicious, and completely satisfying.  It has an olive oil based, with tomatoes and basil...ugh ah.maz.ing.  I added goat cheese to it, and it really added something to the texture.  I wish I had gotten a picture, but I was so hungry the last time I ordered it, there was no chance!  But my husband and I recently went back for our Saturday college football gameday meal.  We ordered the pepperoni, which was equally tasty.

Couldn't Wait...again lol.

The pepperoni can get a little greasy, but what great pizza isn't?  The 14" shown above is more than enough to feed two people, but would order more if you have more people.  They offer tons of options, and even a "build it yourself" pizza that you find in most places.  My favorite thing about Pizza per Tutti is the crust.  It is nice and thin, crunchy, not fatty or greasy at all.  Just the perfect base for their fresh ingredients.  If you enjoy a more authentic style pizza, this is a must try place.  We will certainly be back.

Until next time my foodies,

Guten Appetit!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

"Feel Better" Food

Well it was inevitable.  I usually get a head cold at least once of twice a year, and so I guess it was about time.  But this one was thanks to my husband, who caught it from the coughing guy a few rows back on his last trip to Georgia.  With a sore throat, I figured it was a great night to blog.  So, as most of you know, with the best of colds comes comfy pjs, lots of tea with honey and what I call "feel better" foods.

I know what really makes me feel better with a head cold.  But I wanted to pose this questions to a few friends to see what they thought.  What makes people feel good is a bit subjective, so I thought it was interesting to hear some of their answers.  But the thing I noticed in everything was of course warm, hearty comfort foods.

Since the seasons are *crosses fingers* about to change here in LA, here are a few "Feel Better" foods in case you too find yourself needing some comfort food.

My "Feel Better" - Thai Coconut Chicken Soup


I love this recipe.  It has a ton of flavor.  The coconut milk is creamy and smooth on my sore throat.  And the spice from the chilies and other spices help to clear up my sinus...at least for a few minutes.  Of course, a quick call to your favorite Thai place is easier.  But just in case you wanted to try for yourself, here you go.

Ultimate Comfort "Feel Better" - Chicken and Dumplings


An obviously great comfort food.  Lots of chicken, creamy dumplings and just a few veggies to make you feel a little better.  But who cares, comfort food is about comfort.  Of course, this southern dish might be hard to find here in LA.  Trust me though, this is deep down "feel better" so give it a try!

Most Unique "Feel Better" - Spaghetti Sandwich


So I've never really heard about this one, but I found it so interesting I had to put in down.  The recipe above got a great rating, but it looks pretty complicated.  I'm pretty sure you can get away with your favorite spaghetti between two slices of garlic bread and some parm.  Either way, sounds tasty, if not slightly odd.

Of course some close runners-up were the classic "feel-better" chicken noodle soup, and a japanese version called udon.  Another was mashed potatoes and I had one vote for 13-bean soup.  All suggestions were great.  Thanks so much.  For those of you who didn't get to chime in, I would love to hear your favorite comfort foods.

Until Next Time, Guten Appetit!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Dr. Atkins Dream Restaurant

This post is dedicated to my Korean cousin, not sure if she wants me to name names, so I won't.  She helped me(the white chick in the family) to understand the finer points of Korean BBQ, such as what the different side items were, how to use them, and what to expect from the servers.  Some of my favorite memories from Atlanta are when we would get all the cousins together to enjoy hours of KBBQ followed by our favorite asian bakery for dessert.  Ah, memories!  I usually had to be rolled home after the food coma ensued.  So I knew of course, that I would need some Korean BBQ in my life once we moved to LA, and I think we found a great spot!

For those of you who don't know, Korean BBQ is basically large plates of marinated raw meat brought to your table, that you cook on your own stove which is usually located in the middle of your table.  This is accompanied by a plethora of side dishes that tends to change from place to place.  But you can usually count on some type of pickled radish, rice paper, jalapenos and garlic and a salad.  So tasty!  

Which leads me to the restaurant we found.  Located on Wilshire Blvd is the Tahoe Galbi Korean BBQ Restaurant.  Pretty typical of what you would expect from a KBBQ place.  Lots of family style seating, most tables can hold up to 8 people.  Pretty large facility, including private dining areas for reservation.  But we usually just show up and enjoy.  I would suggest going with a group of at least 3-4 people to make the experience fun.  And don't go on a Saturday unless you are ok with a good long wait.  It is PACKED on the weekends.  One good thing?  Valet parking in a secured lot.  Very nice!

There are a ton of meat choices.  From seafood, to your typical pork and beef, to the more exotic tripe and tongue, you can find plenty of options here.  My personal favorite is the bbq pork.  It has a really great flavor to the marinate, and is just the right balance of marbling and meat.  So savory!  The other great thing they do, which my cousin taught us they should ALWAYS do, is regularly change out the grill plate for you.  Makes sense, since most people don't want to cook new meat on greasy caked on old meat that is now stuck to your grill. 

 My only complaint with this place, is that service can be really really slow sometimes.  I understand that it is a large restaurant, and there usually isn't one dedicated waiter for your table.  There is a door bell that rings and flashes your table number on a screen in the servers area.  Whenever you need something you just ring that bell, and they should come right over.  Sometimes you have to ring several times.  But, when the conversation is going strong, and there is plenty of soju on the table this is easy to overlook.  

All in all, a great price for all you can eat BBQ, plenty of meat and seafood choices, and a generally fun atmosphere.  I really enjoy going to Tahoe Galbi, but we usually reserve it for when we have guests in town and want to take them somewhere special.  If you are curious and have never had KBBQ before, be adventurous!  It is truly a delicious experience.  For those of you who know, check out Tahoe Galbi, I think you would be pleasantly surprised.  For those of you know REALLY know your KBBQ, do you have a place to you really enjoy?  I would love to hear your feedback on the local carnivore scene.  

Until next time, Guten Appetit!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

A little slice of Europe

So since we moved to LA, a friend has raved about the Aroma Cafe.  It sounded like a place I would enjoy, but it took me over two months to get there!  Finally, the same friend suggested we go for a late lunch last week, so all of us took a trip down to Tujunga Ave.

Wow, this place is in a word... adorable!  The outdoor seating on the street and around the back is extremely eclectic and unique.  We chose a cozy spot under the trees and enjoyed some interesting conversation while waiting for our food.

I ordered the Brie Plate, which was full of fresh and dried fruits, crostini and of course a huge slice of warmerd Brie cheese.  I mean, the picture speaks for itself.

The brie was delicious, and the fruits and nuts were a perfect compliment to the cheese.  But my favorite part of this plate was the honey drizzled all over the entire thing, which you can't really see in the picture, but it was there and amazing!  All in all a successful brie plate which is great if you are looking for something light and refreshing as a change from the usual heavy, greasy American food.  My husband had a tuna melt that he assures me he will order again, and that came with a huge mound of fries.  Our friend enjoyed a Cobb salad that came in a bowl the size of his head.  Everyone was very satisfied with their lunch choices.  The prices were a little high, but for the portion size and quality of food it was well worth it in my opinion.

I will definitely be back, as I am craving some of the delicious looking desserts I saw in their front cabinet where you order.  One friend from out of town has requested I find her a cute outdoor cafe to enjoy when she comes to visit.  I think I have hit the nail on the head.  Really looking forward to a long relationship with the Aroma cafe.

Monday, September 19, 2011


So what could be better than sweet onions and potatoes cooked to perfection in bacon fat, and then bacon crumbled on top?  If this sounds amazing to you, then you should definitely check out Bratkartoffeln.  This is a german dish that I have loved for many many years.  And it is super easy to make.  With a few of the ingredients that I picked up at the farmer's market yesterday, this was one tasty dinner.  But you could make it as a side dish as well.

4 slices thick cut bacon(or your favorite)
1 med. sweet onion, chopped or sliced your favorite way
4-6 red potatoes, chopped or sliced your favorite way


In a large skillet, brown bacon until crispy and remove to paper towel to drain, leaving bacon fat in pan
Pour onions into skillet, letting them sweat in the bacon fat until soft
Pour potatoes on top of the onions, and cook down together until potatoes are soft
Before serving, crumble bacon and place back in skillet, giving all ingredients a good toss to combine.

Super easy, super tasty!  Give it a try and let me know what you think?

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Sunday At The Farmer's Market

Today was one of those perfect Sundays.  You know the ones that include catching up with friends, naps, and an afternoon coffee break.  Clear skies, crisp morning, and Farmer's Market Day!  I checked out the one in Studio City, and I have to say it was a lot of fun.  I found a few amazing vendors, scored some amazing deals, and look forward to a week full of fresh fruits, veggies, herbs and breads!

Located between Radford and Laural Canyon on Ventura Place stands the Studio City Farmer's Market, SCFM.  It's open every Sunday, from 8 am to 1 pm.  Though it is relatively small, two rows of stalls that line this short street, there is no wanting here.  I saw all kinds of fresh fruits and veggies, as well as prepared foods.  And by the way, just one hint.  Don't eat breakfast before you go!  There are so many free samples, I was stuffed before we left.

All the rage it seemed was for a small fruit I had frankly never heard of before, pluots.  Apparently, these are a cross between plums and apricots, and are 100% delicious.  We tried many different varieties, and ended up purchasing several dino eggs and flavor grenade pluots.  It was exciting to see something new an unexpected, and I look forward to making several tasty recipes with them.  I've seen a lot of plum tart recipes lately, and that might be on the list of things to bake this week!

Two amazing stands that I loved were Homeboy Bakery and a handmade olive oil/vinegar stand(I forgot the name, opps).  While it has a funny name, Homeboy Bakery has an amazing message behind it.  It allows the recently incarcerated, those considering gang life, or other at-risk teens to learn a trade that will keep them from a life of crime, or from returning to it.  We purchased fresh made tortilla strips and a loaf of french bread here, and both were amazing!  The tortilla strips have three ingredients: corn, vegetable oil, and salt.  So simple, yet very tasty.  We will definitely be back!  The second was a California olive oil and vinegar stand.  I tasted a few varieties, but my favorite was their Meyer's lemon olive oil.  I'm trying to think of recipes to add this one to, but I see it mainly for salad dressings and dipping.  Yum yum yum!

All in all I would tell you to check out this market if you live in the area, but I doubt I would drive very far to get to it.  It had a cozy atmosphere, and I completely plan on coming back next week.  I want to try to make something with rhubarb, which I saw in a stall when we were walking out, and didn't have time to grab it.  Do any of you go to a local farmer's market you would suggest?

The hubs and I will be eating very well tonight!  Take a look at our haul.

So excited to play with these!

Grab Bag of Fresh Herbs - $2!!

Guten Appetit!!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Sushi Time

Anyone who knows me, knows that I'm pretty adventurous.  I'll usually try anything at least once, if only to be able to forever say, "I'll never touch that again!".  So this is how I approached the delicious world of sushi.  Luckily, my first experience with sushi was with a friend and her husband, who knew a little bit about it, and they were able to guide me into the brave new world successfully.  Now, I absolutely love it, and am always looking for ways to expand my pallet.

One of the other things I really enjoy are tiny, hole in the wall restaurants.  Generally speaking, the worse it looks on the outside, the tastier the food.  This is exactly what we found with Roll House Sushi.  It is located in Santa Monica on 4th St right across from those crazy silver balls hanging on the wall near the mall.  Sorry for the rhyming.  The outside isn't much, and the inside it TINY!  There are probably enough seats for around 20-30 people in the entire place.  So cozy though for a date night!  The decor was cute, pretty average for a sushi house.  But the food...oh man the food!

I ordered the rainbow roll and a spicy tuna roll, which are my usual go-to items when trying a new sushi house.  We also had an order of steamed pork dumplings.  The dumplings were delicious, and the sauce they came with was sweet and spicy at the same time; it really added to the dumplings.  I'm a huge fan of sauces.  If the dumplings were great, the sushi was better.  So fresh and tasty.  I had never had a rainbow roll before that had me wanting to order another roll to pig out on.  The spicy tuna was good, but nothing to write home about.

The next time I go, and oh yes, there will be a next time, I want to try one of their fusion rolls I saw on their menu.  Perhaps the Princess Roll, which is shrimp tempura, spicy tuna, avocado, kalware, and cucumber topped with a special mango sauce.  Hmm...we might be having Roll House for dinner tonight!

As always,

Guten Appetit!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

It's Game Day Baby!

So you can take the girl out of Alabama, but you can't take the Alabama out of the girl!  I live in Los Angeles now, but I'm still a Bama girl through and through.  So naturally I'm up watching the Bama v. Penn State game and though I would share with you my favorite game day recipe!  I usually enjoy this when it is a little cooler outside, but still you can't beat a HUGE bowl of chili!  I took this one from foodnetwork.com, which is a GREAT resource.  This recipe is also good if you are throwing a very low key party with your friends.  Take a look and ROLL TIDE!!


  • 2 slices bacon, chopped
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • cloves garlic, minced
  • 1/2 pound ground beef
  • 1 (12-ounce) bottle beer
  • 3 cups black beans
  • 2 (14-ounce) cans tomato sauce
  • 1 (14-ounce) can crushed tomatoes
  • 2 1/2 tablespoons chili powder
  • 1 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
  • 1 teaspoon cocoa powder
  • Kosher salt
  • Sour cream, for garnish
  • Grated Cheddar, for garnish
  • Chopped scallions, for garnish


In a large saucepan or small Dutch oven, cook the bacon over medium heat until the fat renders and the bacon is cooked, about 5 minutes. Add the onion and cook until the onion softens, about 5 more minutes. Add the garlic and cook for another minute. Add the beef and cook until no longer pink. Raise the heat to medium-high, deglaze with the beer, and allow to bubble and boil for 2 to 3 minutes. Add the beans, tomato sauce, crushed tomatoes, chili powderred pepper flakes, cocoa, and salt. Stir to combine well. Simmer for 30 minutes, or more, and serve with sour cream, shredded cheese, and chopped scallion, if desired.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Sweet Tooth?? Me too!

Lately I have been CRAVING sweets.  Not really sure why, I have never really had a sweet tooth until lately.  And no...I'm not pregnant!  One of my favorite sweet treats is frozen yogurt.  I just love the texture, the smooth, cool, creamy flavor.  Back in Atlanta I had the most amazing self-serve yogurt shop.  So in an effort to replace my favorites here in Los Angeles I knew I would need to find a new place soon.  

Like he does sometimes, my husband likes to surprise me.  I'm a lucky girl, I know.  So one night in an effort to pull me out of one of my home-sick moods, he took me to Studio Yogurt in Studio City.  The shop was very cute.  It had a few tables both inside and out.  The wide counter was lined with over 35 different toppings and sauces.  And behind the counter were 24 soft serve yogurt machines.  The ladies behind the counters are really nice and moved quickly.  So even though there was a bit of a line when we came, it didn't take too long until it was our turn at the counter.  

Not being super hungry, I ordered a small.  How silly of me.  The small was HUGE.  I knew there was no way to finish it. So when you go to visit, BEWARE!  The portions are enormous, and the toppings added do not disappoint either.   I have to admit, Studio Yogurt is a very generous place!  But the thing I liked the most about it was its multiple "healthier" options.  Many of the yogurts came in surgar-free, fat-free or carb-free varieties, as did several toppings and sauces.  So for those that have special dietary needs when it comes to your sweet tooth, you are sure to find something great you can have here.  

As I predicted, I wasn't able to finish my "small" marshmallow creme yogurt, but it was very tasty.  One thing to note is that though you will always find chocolate, vanilla and peanut butter,  the other flavors rotate out every few days.  But to me, this makes going back often fun just to see what new and tasty flavor they have started to serve.  

Personally, I still prefer the self-serve yogurt shops.  While this place was nice, I think I will keep a look out to see if there is a self-serve shop with the same charm.  But until then, I look forward to checking out Studio Yogurt when my sweet tooth won't leave me alone!

Until next time, Guten Appetit!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Thai Boom Indeed

Oh Thai food...how do I love thee, let me count the ways.  Thai food has some of the best flavor profiles in Asian cuisine.  I love the spices, the coconut milk and the curry.  So I knew one of the first things I had to do when I moved to L.A. was to find my new Thai place.  While the place I found wasn't in my neighborhood, it was great enough to tell you guys about!

Located on Venice Blvd in Culver City is Thai Boom.  The restaurant itself was decent.  Not overly decorated from what I could tell.  The interior was a little boring and plain.  The wait staff were really nice though, and we were seated and served quickly.  I used to work as a hostess and server, so these things are a big deal to me.

So lets get to the good stuff!!  The food was amazing.  We started out with the steamed dumplings for an appetizer.  Take a look:

While this style of dumpling isn't my favorite, these were really nice.  They were perfectly steamed, the pork was very tasty, and the sauce served with them really added to the flavor.  They also brought out a spicy chicken soup to every table.  My husband understands that if I ever get sick, he will unfortunately have to drive to Culver City to pick up a bowl of this amazing chicken soup!  The broth was a nice balance of savory and spicy.  But enough about that.  On to the main event.  

I have a few dishes that I always order when I go into a new restaurant.  And when I try a new Thai place, I have to sample their red curry.  Just like a first kiss, it tells you everything you need to know.  And that is exactly what I ordered.  And it was ah. maz.  ing.  Take a look:

The curry and coconut milk were rich and savory.  The veggies were perfectly cooked.  I love pork in my Thai dishes, so that is exactly what I ordered.  All in all I was very impressed with the quality of food that was offered.  Added with the jasmine rice that comes with this dish and it was a great red curry.  It completely passed my test.  It was a great "first kiss".

So what is my final verdict?  I would definitely come back, but since its a little more than 30 minutes away from me, its too far to turn to often.  But if you are up for a drive, or live in the area, I would say give it a try.  One more L.A. restaurant down, many more to go.  Stay tuned.

And as always, Guten Appetit!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

And on every corner...

If there is one thing I have noticed since moving to LA, is that it seems every single corner has either a donut shop, a pizza parlor or a sushi house.  Well at least this is true in my neighborhood.  Now I'm the kind of girl who never eats at a chain unless its unavoidable, so naturally I really looked forward to checking out these little mom and pop places.

So I decided to start with the pizza parlor.  With the many many choices out there, it took my husband randomly spotting this joint on the way home one night to decide on where to begin.  Cue: Taste Chicago.  Located on the corner of Hollywood Way and Verdugo in Burbank, this restaurant was started by actor Joe Mantegna and his wife Arlene.  It has a very sporty atmosphere with lots of Chicago jerseys on the the walls and TVs turned to the game.

The food choices are very much what you would expect from a Chicago style eatery.  Chicago dogs, cheesecake, and of course, deep dish pizza.  Since we were in the mood for pizza we decided on a pepperoni deep dish with a side of cheesy garlic break.  While it was a little pricy - around $30 for one pie - this pizza was amazing!  Each slice was almost a meal in itself.  The chunky tomato sauce was perfectly seasoned, and there was a generous helping of pepperoni.  Truly amazing if you enjoy deep dish.  The cheesy garlic bread was in a word, sinful!  There was so much butter and cheese, Paula Deen would have been proud.  Super heavy for an appetizer, so be prepared.

All in all I was pleasantly surprised by Taste Chicago.  The pizza was amazing, the garlic bread was decent, and left overs were just as great the next day.  The only down side was the price.  But I guess for the sheer weight of this pizza it wasn't too bad.  We will definitly be back!  Looking forward to checking out some of their other menu selections.

Until next time, Guten Appetit!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Welcome to the City of Angels

Well hello out there.  As the newest transplant to fabulous Los Angles, I needed a hobby!  No friends, no job, and nowhere to go, and boy does that apartment get old quickly.  But if there is one thing that is true, it is that I'm a foodie to the core.  I love the textures and flavors and aromas that come when someone is passionate about the food they are making.  I'll go ahead and say, I'll try anything at least once.  With a Filipino husband, I have already experienced some unique foods.

So in a quest for a hobby, I thought I would marry my two passions;  writing and eating!  For the remainder of my time in LA, I want to take you through the fabulous cuisine of this great city, and introduce a few recipes as I come across them.  I've already been to a few restaurants that I plan on reviewing immediately.

I'll just put this out there, these are my opinions.  No one is paying me to write good reviews for their restaurant.  No one is giving me free menu items to influence my prose.  This is all for me!  So with that said, feel free to check out these restaurants after me and let me know what you think.  Our tastes might be way different, you might disagree completely with my review!  And all of that is ok.  Each person experiences food differently.

So off I go, to pursue my passions and tell you all about the delectable treats in Los Angeles!  I hope you enjoy.

Guten Appetit
